Attention Students!
All in-person and hybrid classes are suspended through Sunday, April 5, 2020. All current online classes will continue to be held as scheduled.
Faculty are currently working on moving existing in-person and hybrid classes to alternative or online learning environments for the remainder of the Spring semester. We recognize that there are courses and learning experiences that cannot be delivered in an alternative learning format. We are currently identifying solutions, and unless further orders by local health authorities or other government officials mandate a different policy, we plan to implement those solutions beginning the week of April 6, 2020.
All Colleges have canceled all student activities, including athletic games and practices, and have postponed college events during this time period.
Students in dual enrollment classes should check with their high schools regarding attendance requirements.
Campus bookstores are closed. However, students can order online here. Free ground shipping is available for online orders while the bookstore is closed.
Maricopa Community Colleges is currently following all recommended CDC guidelines for international travel. Visit the CDC's website for more information.
[Update: March 23, 2020]
Message from the Office of the Chancellor to Maricopa Community Colleges students, Monday, Mar. 23, 2020, 9 a.m. – COVID-19 Update: Community Resources, Class Information, and Support Services
Dear Student,
Thank you for your patience and flexibility during these uncertain and challenging times.
Please note:
- In-person and hybrid classes are temporarily postponed and will convert to online instruction on Monday, April 6, 2020.
- If you are currently enrolled in any in-person/hybrid courses, your instructor(s) will be contacting you with further instructions.
- To make it easier for you to stay connected and access your online/hybrid classes, see our list of internet/WiFi solutions and learn from extensive tutorial guides provided on the Canvas student homepage.
- Current online classes will continue as scheduled.
- College student support services are only available remotely or virtually.
If you are experiencing concerns about your health and well being, food or housing insecurity, financial stress, or anxiety -- you are not alone! We are available to help.
Source: Maricopa Community College