Friday, June 27, 2014

Mountain Rescue - 11200 E Saguaro Canyon Trail - Gateway Trailhead - McDowell Mountain Preserve

Mountain rescue reported in the 11200 block of East Saguaro Canyon Trail in Scottsdale, AZ.

Units on scene: E45 E610 P-610 C957N C957S FIRBRD SQ29 BC2 BC602 S610 SCTP01.

[Update] Scottsdale and Phoenix Fire Department on scene in McDowell Mountain Preserve. 47 year old male is approximately 1.5 miles from the Gateway Trailhead and unable to make his way off the trail. Crews en route with EMS gear, water, and extraction equipment (Bigwheel). Subject is exhausted due to hiking since 8 AM MST this morning.

[Update #2] Phoenix Firebird 10 extricated patient off of the trail. Patient was treated by paramedic crews and then transported to Scottsdale Healthcare Thompson Peak for further evaluation.