Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tempe Street Closures for Ironman Triathlon

Tempe, Arizona – Several Tempe streets will be closed or restricted on November 21 for the Ironman Triathlon. Street restrictions and bus detours are listed below

• Rio Salado Parkway will be closed westbound between Mill Avenue and Ash Avenue through 12 p.m. Nov. 22.
• Rio Salado Parkway will be closed eastbound between Mill Avenue and Ash Avenue through 12 p.m. Nov. 22.

The following streets will be restricted or closed Nov. 21 from 6 a.m. until approximately 6 p.m.

• Rio Salado Parkway will be closed westbound between the US Airways garage just north of 3rd Street and Hardy Dr.
• Rio Salado Parkway will be restricted to one lane westbound between Hardy Drive and Priest Drive.
• Rio Salado Parkway will be restricted to one lane eastbound between Mill Avenue and McClintock Drive. All traffic at intersecting streets and driveways will be required to turn right. No lefts or through movements will be permitted along this stretch of Rio Salado Parkway.
• Rio Salado Parkway will be closed westbound between McClintock Drive and Mill Avenue. All westbound traffic must turn left onto southbound McClintock Drive. Limited access will be granted to local residents between Rural Road and Mill Avenue (from southbound Rural Road only).
• Priest Drive will be restricted to two lanes northbound between Rio Salado Parkway and the SR202L eastbound on-ramp.
• Mill Avenue will be closed southbound between Washington Street/Curry Road and 2nd Street.
• Mill Avenue northbound will be closed at 2nd Street.
• Scottsdale Road southbound will be closed at the SR 202. Local access will be provided to area businesses and residents south of the SR 202.
• Rural Road northbound will be closed at Rio Salado Parkway. All northbound traffic must turn right onto eastbound Rio Salado Parkway.
• McClintock Drive will be closed in both directions between Rio Salado Parkway and the SR 202 on/off-ramps. North of the SR 202 on/off-ramps, traffic will be restricted to one lane northbound. All southbound traffic that does not turn right onto eastbound Curry Road will be forced onto westbound SR 202.
• All traffic exiting the SR 202 at Scottsdale Road will be required to turn northbound onto Scottsdale Road. Local access will be provided to area businesses and residents south of the SR 202.
• All traffic exiting eastbound on the SR202L at McClintock Drive will be required to turn northbound onto McClintock Drive.